Eugene’s carrier test is an at-home genetic test to see if you or your partner carry a gene variant that could cause a serious genetic condition in your child.
The common conditions we screen for include Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Thalassemia, and Tay-Sach disease, but there are 780+ recessive and X-linked conditions that are screened in our comprehensive carrier test.
These variants can affect how our bodies grow, develop and function.
We’re all different and we all carry these gene variants, most times we just don’t know about them.
If these variants are shared by both partners it can cause a serious genetic condition in their child.
Most children born with an inherited genetic condition never had a family history of it. Obviously this often feels completely ‘out of the blue’ for the parents.
Our test includes many serious conditions that are more frequent in different ethnic communities are often excluded in industry standard tests.
When combined, the average risk of having a child with one of these conditions is higher than the risk of having a child with Down syndrome.
Some consider their carrier status as partners, just before trying to get pregnant to make informed reproductive choices for their family.
Some consider their carrier status as important health information to incorporate in their plan for their future, long before they think about starting a family.
For many, having a natural pregnancy after a marriage is what’s most important. In this case, it’s important to know your carrier status before marriage.
The genes associated with these are in chromosomes 1-22. If two people are carriers for the same condition, there’s a one in four chance that their children would have the condition.
The genes associated with these are in chromosomes 23. For x-linked conditions the sex of the parent who passes on the variant influences the risk for the children.